Monday, July 18, 2011

The Perfect Classroom

What is our job? We're teachers and we need to figure out a way to get our students better prepared for society and their futures. The nice thing, and the difficult thing, is there's help out there. Technology can make lessons better; more "real" for the students. This means we have to access this technology and generally that means MONEY!
In a perfect world, every student would have their own computer with a high speed Internet connection. There would be no more paper textbooks as the textbooks would be interactive programs found on their computer. Every classroom would have an interactive board such as a Smart Board or a Promethian, along with a document camera. There would be a fluid interaction between instruction from a teacher and software programs that can quickly evaluate a student's current level of instruction and can work from there for further instruction.
This is the ideal situation for an ideal education, but were not there yet. Due to the speed at which technology is growing, we will probably never be there, but it needs to be a priority to get as much technology into a classroom as possible, and have enough instruction for the teachers to use it properly.

1 comment:

  1. Blog 3 prompt: Mod 6
    Reflect on the idea of what a technology-infused classroom looks like. How do you plan to have a technology-infused classroom?

    Technology-rich classrooms will be the norm in the 21st Century classroom. Over the years, schools have gone through various stages of technology growth and development. As new technologies for learning are introduced and tested in the field, schools work to acquire the hardware and materials for classroom. At that point, the use of the technologies for learning progresses from a stage of Early Use of Technology, through Developing and Advanced levels toward a Target level. The Target for the technology-infused classroom includes student-centered learning using regional and global collaborations to create student-generated projects that solve real-world problems at the local, regional, or global levels. Learning is enhanced by mentors and field experts. Technologies for learning include creativity tools for multimedia development, synchronous and asynchronous communications tools, use of the Internet for research and content delivery, and highly interactive virtual learning environments that facilitates regional and global collaboration. The curriculum is highly integrated across the academic areas with interdisciplinary activities and meaningful learning experiences.

    As we design instruction for students in the 21st Century, we need to consider the following:
    • Learning spaces should be open.
    • The curriculum should be comprehensive but student-driven.
    • Activities should be hands-on and related to real-world work.
    • An array of technology tools and access should be available at all times, from home and school.
    • Varied learning styles should be honored.
    • Emotional and intellectual support should be offered to students.

